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Friday, October 28, 2011

Back from Vacation

Got back at midnight last night and went straight to bed. Got up at 6 this morning, but had to wait till 7 (for day light) to go check on the garden. We've been gone for two weeks and I was really anxious to see how things were fairing.

We did get a nice harvest, but I will share that in a couple of days....stay tuned...it will be VERY interesting!

As for the garden, before we left, we planted our fall/winter garden. We planted garlic, onion, lettuce, carrots, broccoli, spinach, radish, cauliflower, cabbage, collards. Some stuff was planted 3-weeks before we left and some planted a day before we left. Here are how things look 2 weeks later:

The summer squash had basically taken over.

 The peas had a few pods but not enough to worry about picking them. I may pick some next week for seed stock. They appear healthy, but old. Some even had blooms.

The eggplant looked great. I harvested one. There are five more growing and a handful of blooms. I'll have to give night time protection in a couple of weeks.

 Here's one of my fall beds. The garlic (along the sides) is doing fabulous.You also see collards and radish. The spinach, other collards, and lettuce is too small right now.

 Another fall bed with broccoli and garlic.

I had hoped to see more seedlings after two weeks, but with cooler temps, I guess germination will be slower. We'll see. Next week, I'll exchange the tulle insect netting for clear plastic sheeting.

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